
سوبود غوبتا & nbsp(b. 1964)

Magic Wands is a 2004-2005 creation by India’s most renowned contemporary artist, Subodh Gupta.  The work seamlessly blends a sculptural approach with an installation art aesthetic to create a statement on his heritage and universal themes.  Since Gupta’s first installation in 1996, “Twenty-nine Mornings,” the artist has been driven to incorporate daily, utilitarian objects into his work.  Bicycles, wands, pans all play heavily in the work of Gupta.  <br><br>Gupta’s work often reflects the economic transformations in India- and provides a view into the lives of those whose lives are changed by the rise of the country as a global economic power.  Gupta is widely collected as the pre-eminent Indian Contemporary artist.  His work is included in the permanent collections of the MFA Houston and Victoria and Albert Museum, London, among many others. Magic Wands is a 2004-2005 creation by India’s most renowned contemporary artist, Subodh Gupta.  The work seamlessly blends a sculptural approach with an installation art aesthetic to create a statement on his heritage and universal themes.  Since Gupta’s first installation in 1996, “Twenty-nine Mornings,” the artist has been driven to incorporate daily, utilitarian objects into his work.  Bicycles, wands, pans all play heavily in the work of Gupta.  <br><br>Gupta’s work often reflects the economic transformations in India- and provides a view into the lives of those whose lives are changed by the rise of the country as a global economic power.  Gupta is widely collected as the pre-eminent Indian Contemporary artist.  His work is included in the permanent collections of the MFA Houston and Victoria and Albert Museum, London, among many others. Magic Wands is a 2004-2005 creation by India’s most renowned contemporary artist, Subodh Gupta.  The work seamlessly blends a sculptural approach with an installation art aesthetic to create a statement on his heritage and universal themes.  Since Gupta’s first installation in 1996, “Twenty-nine Mornings,” the artist has been driven to incorporate daily, utilitarian objects into his work.  Bicycles, wands, pans all play heavily in the work of Gupta.  <br><br>Gupta’s work often reflects the economic transformations in India- and provides a view into the lives of those whose lives are changed by the rise of the country as a global economic power.  Gupta is widely collected as the pre-eminent Indian Contemporary artist.  His work is included in the permanent collections of the MFA Houston and Victoria and Albert Museum, London, among many others. Magic Wands is a 2004-2005 creation by India’s most renowned contemporary artist, Subodh Gupta.  The work seamlessly blends a sculptural approach with an installation art aesthetic to create a statement on his heritage and universal themes.  Since Gupta’s first installation in 1996, “Twenty-nine Mornings,” the artist has been driven to incorporate daily, utilitarian objects into his work.  Bicycles, wands, pans all play heavily in the work of Gupta.  <br><br>Gupta’s work often reflects the economic transformations in India- and provides a view into the lives of those whose lives are changed by the rise of the country as a global economic power.  Gupta is widely collected as the pre-eminent Indian Contemporary artist.  His work is included in the permanent collections of the MFA Houston and Victoria and Albert Museum, London, among many others. Magic Wands is a 2004-2005 creation by India’s most renowned contemporary artist, Subodh Gupta.  The work seamlessly blends a sculptural approach with an installation art aesthetic to create a statement on his heritage and universal themes.  Since Gupta’s first installation in 1996, “Twenty-nine Mornings,” the artist has been driven to incorporate daily, utilitarian objects into his work.  Bicycles, wands, pans all play heavily in the work of Gupta.  <br><br>Gupta’s work often reflects the economic transformations in India- and provides a view into the lives of those whose lives are changed by the rise of the country as a global economic power.  Gupta is widely collected as the pre-eminent Indian Contemporary artist.  His work is included in the permanent collections of the MFA Houston and Victoria and Albert Museum, London, among many others.
عصا سحرية 62004-200562 × 1 7/8 × 1 7/8 في. (157.48 × 4.76 × 4.76 سم) ألومنيوم مطلي بالكروم
فيليبس دي بوري وشركاه نيويورك: الخميس 13 نوفمبر 2008 [Lot 00050] الفن المعاصر: الجزء الأول
المجموعة الخاصة ، التي تم الحصول عليها من ما سبق
ن. بورياد، س. كاليداس، د. كاميرون، سوبود غوبتا، حيدر أباد، 2008، ص 91 (مثال آخر موضح)


الصولجان السحرية هو خلق 2004-2005 من قبل الفنان المعاصر الأكثر شهرة في الهند، سوبود غوبتا. يمزج العمل بسلاسة بين نهج نحتي وجمالية فنية التركيبية لإنشاء بيان حول تراثه وموضوعاته العالمية. منذ أول تركيب غوبتا في عام 1996 ، "تسعة وعشرون صباحًا" ، تم دفع الفنان إلى دمج الأشياء اليومية النفعية في عمله. الدراجات، الصولجانات، المقالي تلعب جميعها بشكل كبير في عمل غوبتا.

غالباً ما يعكس عمل غوبتا التحولات الاقتصادية في الهند، ويقدم نظرة إلى حياة أولئك الذين تغيرت حياتهم من خلال صعود البلاد كقوة اقتصادية عالمية. يتم جمع غوبتا على نطاق واسع كفنان هندي معاصر بارز. تم تضمين أعماله في المجموعات الدائمة لمتحف وزارة الخارجية هيوستن وفيكتوريا وألبرت، لندن، من بين العديد من الآخرين.