
ريتشارد أنوسزكيفيتش(1930-2020)

Op Art evolved as an alternative trend in painting to the abstract expressionist movement of the 1950s. The genesis of the movement was in the 1960s, when artists such as Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley, and Richard Anuszkiewicz embraced a more structured and geometric approach to their painting, often using visual tricks to create a sense of movement.  While the artistic and spiritual predecessors to OP Art, such as Josef Albers (!888-1976), utilized a softer and more subdued approach, the Op Artists were using bold, large-scale works with variable dimensions to create their visual statement.  <br><br>A student of Albers, Richard Anuszkiewicz, used enamel and acrylic paint on wood in such a way to create his uncompromising and exact compositions.  A great sense of action can be felt in the present work, "Translumina". The sister piece to "Translumina," "Translumina II" (1986), is in the permanent collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo. Op Art evolved as an alternative trend in painting to the abstract expressionist movement of the 1950s. The genesis of the movement was in the 1960s, when artists such as Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley, and Richard Anuszkiewicz embraced a more structured and geometric approach to their painting, often using visual tricks to create a sense of movement.  While the artistic and spiritual predecessors to OP Art, such as Josef Albers (!888-1976), utilized a softer and more subdued approach, the Op Artists were using bold, large-scale works with variable dimensions to create their visual statement.  <br><br>A student of Albers, Richard Anuszkiewicz, used enamel and acrylic paint on wood in such a way to create his uncompromising and exact compositions.  A great sense of action can be felt in the present work, "Translumina". The sister piece to "Translumina," "Translumina II" (1986), is in the permanent collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo. Op Art evolved as an alternative trend in painting to the abstract expressionist movement of the 1950s. The genesis of the movement was in the 1960s, when artists such as Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley, and Richard Anuszkiewicz embraced a more structured and geometric approach to their painting, often using visual tricks to create a sense of movement.  While the artistic and spiritual predecessors to OP Art, such as Josef Albers (!888-1976), utilized a softer and more subdued approach, the Op Artists were using bold, large-scale works with variable dimensions to create their visual statement.  <br><br>A student of Albers, Richard Anuszkiewicz, used enamel and acrylic paint on wood in such a way to create his uncompromising and exact compositions.  A great sense of action can be felt in the present work, "Translumina". The sister piece to "Translumina," "Translumina II" (1986), is in the permanent collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo. Op Art evolved as an alternative trend in painting to the abstract expressionist movement of the 1950s. The genesis of the movement was in the 1960s, when artists such as Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley, and Richard Anuszkiewicz embraced a more structured and geometric approach to their painting, often using visual tricks to create a sense of movement.  While the artistic and spiritual predecessors to OP Art, such as Josef Albers (!888-1976), utilized a softer and more subdued approach, the Op Artists were using bold, large-scale works with variable dimensions to create their visual statement.  <br><br>A student of Albers, Richard Anuszkiewicz, used enamel and acrylic paint on wood in such a way to create his uncompromising and exact compositions.  A great sense of action can be felt in the present work, "Translumina". The sister piece to "Translumina," "Translumina II" (1986), is in the permanent collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo. Op Art evolved as an alternative trend in painting to the abstract expressionist movement of the 1950s. The genesis of the movement was in the 1960s, when artists such as Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley, and Richard Anuszkiewicz embraced a more structured and geometric approach to their painting, often using visual tricks to create a sense of movement.  While the artistic and spiritual predecessors to OP Art, such as Josef Albers (!888-1976), utilized a softer and more subdued approach, the Op Artists were using bold, large-scale works with variable dimensions to create their visual statement.  <br><br>A student of Albers, Richard Anuszkiewicz, used enamel and acrylic paint on wood in such a way to create his uncompromising and exact compositions.  A great sense of action can be felt in the present work, "Translumina". The sister piece to "Translumina," "Translumina II" (1986), is in the permanent collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo. Op Art evolved as an alternative trend in painting to the abstract expressionist movement of the 1950s. The genesis of the movement was in the 1960s, when artists such as Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley, and Richard Anuszkiewicz embraced a more structured and geometric approach to their painting, often using visual tricks to create a sense of movement.  While the artistic and spiritual predecessors to OP Art, such as Josef Albers (!888-1976), utilized a softer and more subdued approach, the Op Artists were using bold, large-scale works with variable dimensions to create their visual statement.  <br><br>A student of Albers, Richard Anuszkiewicz, used enamel and acrylic paint on wood in such a way to create his uncompromising and exact compositions.  A great sense of action can be felt in the present work, "Translumina". The sister piece to "Translumina," "Translumina II" (1986), is in the permanent collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo. Op Art evolved as an alternative trend in painting to the abstract expressionist movement of the 1950s. The genesis of the movement was in the 1960s, when artists such as Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley, and Richard Anuszkiewicz embraced a more structured and geometric approach to their painting, often using visual tricks to create a sense of movement.  While the artistic and spiritual predecessors to OP Art, such as Josef Albers (!888-1976), utilized a softer and more subdued approach, the Op Artists were using bold, large-scale works with variable dimensions to create their visual statement.  <br><br>A student of Albers, Richard Anuszkiewicz, used enamel and acrylic paint on wood in such a way to create his uncompromising and exact compositions.  A great sense of action can be felt in the present work, "Translumina". The sister piece to "Translumina," "Translumina II" (1986), is in the permanent collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo. Op Art evolved as an alternative trend in painting to the abstract expressionist movement of the 1950s. The genesis of the movement was in the 1960s, when artists such as Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley, and Richard Anuszkiewicz embraced a more structured and geometric approach to their painting, often using visual tricks to create a sense of movement.  While the artistic and spiritual predecessors to OP Art, such as Josef Albers (!888-1976), utilized a softer and more subdued approach, the Op Artists were using bold, large-scale works with variable dimensions to create their visual statement.  <br><br>A student of Albers, Richard Anuszkiewicz, used enamel and acrylic paint on wood in such a way to create his uncompromising and exact compositions.  A great sense of action can be felt in the present work, "Translumina". The sister piece to "Translumina," "Translumina II" (1986), is in the permanent collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo. Op Art evolved as an alternative trend in painting to the abstract expressionist movement of the 1950s. The genesis of the movement was in the 1960s, when artists such as Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley, and Richard Anuszkiewicz embraced a more structured and geometric approach to their painting, often using visual tricks to create a sense of movement.  While the artistic and spiritual predecessors to OP Art, such as Josef Albers (!888-1976), utilized a softer and more subdued approach, the Op Artists were using bold, large-scale works with variable dimensions to create their visual statement.  <br><br>A student of Albers, Richard Anuszkiewicz, used enamel and acrylic paint on wood in such a way to create his uncompromising and exact compositions.  A great sense of action can be felt in the present work, "Translumina". The sister piece to "Translumina," "Translumina II" (1986), is in the permanent collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo.
ترانسلومينا198848 × 48 بوصة. (121.92 × 121.92 سم) الاكريليك على الخشب
مجموعه من الفنان
تشارلز فولي غاليري ، كولومبوس ، أوهايو
مجموعه خاصه ، كاليفورنيا ، 1988
هيذر جيمس فأين أرت ، كاليفورنيا
مجموعه خاصه ، كاليفورنيا ، 2019


تطورت Op Art كاتجاه بديل في الرسم للحركة التعبيرية التجريدية في الخمسينيات. نشأة الحركة كانت في الستينات، عندما اعتنق فنانون مثل فيكتور فاساريلي وبريدجيت رايلي وريتشارد أنوزكيفيتش نهجا أكثر تنظيما وهندسية لرسمهم، وغالبا ما استخدموا الحيل البصرية لخلق شعور بالحركة. في حين أن السلف الفني والروحي ل OP Art ، مثل جوزيف ألبرس (!888-1976) ، استخدموا نهجا أكثر ليونة وأكثر هدوءا ، كان فنانو Op يستخدمون أعمالا جريئة واسعة النطاق ذات أبعاد متغيرة لإنشاء بيانهم البصري.

طالب من ألبرس، ريتشارد Anuszkiewicz، استخدم المينا والطلاء الاكريليك على الخشب في مثل هذه الطريقة لخلق مؤلفاته لا هوادة فيها والدقيق. ويمكن الشعور بشعور كبير من العمل في العمل الحالي، "ترانسلومينا". القطعة الشقيقة ل "ترانسلومينا"، "ترانسلومينا الثاني" (1986)، هي في المجموعة الدائمة لمعرض أولبرايت نوكس للفنون، بافالو.