ألكسندر كالدر (1898-1976)

Well known for his candor and pragmatic sensibility, Alexander Calder was as direct, ingenious, and straight to the point in life as he was in his art. “Personnages”, for example, is unabashedly dynamic, a work that recalls his early love of the action of the circus as well as his insights into human nature. The character of “Personnages” suggests a spontaneous drawing-in-space, recalling his radical wire sculptures of the 1920s.<br>© 2023 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Well known for his candor and pragmatic sensibility, Alexander Calder was as direct, ingenious, and straight to the point in life as he was in his art. “Personnages”, for example, is unabashedly dynamic, a work that recalls his early love of the action of the circus as well as his insights into human nature. The character of “Personnages” suggests a spontaneous drawing-in-space, recalling his radical wire sculptures of the 1920s.<br>© 2023 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Well known for his candor and pragmatic sensibility, Alexander Calder was as direct, ingenious, and straight to the point in life as he was in his art. “Personnages”, for example, is unabashedly dynamic, a work that recalls his early love of the action of the circus as well as his insights into human nature. The character of “Personnages” suggests a spontaneous drawing-in-space, recalling his radical wire sculptures of the 1920s.<br>© 2023 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Well known for his candor and pragmatic sensibility, Alexander Calder was as direct, ingenious, and straight to the point in life as he was in his art. “Personnages”, for example, is unabashedly dynamic, a work that recalls his early love of the action of the circus as well as his insights into human nature. The character of “Personnages” suggests a spontaneous drawing-in-space, recalling his radical wire sculptures of the 1920s.<br>© 2023 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Well known for his candor and pragmatic sensibility, Alexander Calder was as direct, ingenious, and straight to the point in life as he was in his art. “Personnages”, for example, is unabashedly dynamic, a work that recalls his early love of the action of the circus as well as his insights into human nature. The character of “Personnages” suggests a spontaneous drawing-in-space, recalling his radical wire sculptures of the 1920s.<br>© 2023 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Well known for his candor and pragmatic sensibility, Alexander Calder was as direct, ingenious, and straight to the point in life as he was in his art. “Personnages”, for example, is unabashedly dynamic, a work that recalls his early love of the action of the circus as well as his insights into human nature. The character of “Personnages” suggests a spontaneous drawing-in-space, recalling his radical wire sculptures of the 1920s.<br>© 2023 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Well known for his candor and pragmatic sensibility, Alexander Calder was as direct, ingenious, and straight to the point in life as he was in his art. “Personnages”, for example, is unabashedly dynamic, a work that recalls his early love of the action of the circus as well as his insights into human nature. The character of “Personnages” suggests a spontaneous drawing-in-space, recalling his radical wire sculptures of the 1920s.<br>© 2023 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Well known for his candor and pragmatic sensibility, Alexander Calder was as direct, ingenious, and straight to the point in life as he was in his art. “Personnages”, for example, is unabashedly dynamic, a work that recalls his early love of the action of the circus as well as his insights into human nature. The character of “Personnages” suggests a spontaneous drawing-in-space, recalling his radical wire sculptures of the 1920s.<br>© 2023 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Well known for his candor and pragmatic sensibility, Alexander Calder was as direct, ingenious, and straight to the point in life as he was in his art. “Personnages”, for example, is unabashedly dynamic, a work that recalls his early love of the action of the circus as well as his insights into human nature. The character of “Personnages” suggests a spontaneous drawing-in-space, recalling his radical wire sculptures of the 1920s.<br>© 2023 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Well known for his candor and pragmatic sensibility, Alexander Calder was as direct, ingenious, and straight to the point in life as he was in his art. “Personnages”, for example, is unabashedly dynamic, a work that recalls his early love of the action of the circus as well as his insights into human nature. The character of “Personnages” suggests a spontaneous drawing-in-space, recalling his radical wire sculptures of the 1920s.<br>© 2023 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Personnages196729 1/2 x 43 1/4 in. (74.93 × 109.86 سم) غواش وحبر على ورق
غاليري مايغت، باريس
مجموعة خاصة، 1974
مؤسسة مايغت، سان بول دي فينس، فرنسا. ك الدر. 2 أبريل - 31 مايو 1969
سافر هذا المعرض إلى: متحف لويزيانا للفن الحديث ، هوملبيك ، الدنمارك. 29 يونيو - 7 سبتمبر 1969 ومتحف ستيديليك ، أمستردام. 4 أكتوبر - 16 نوفمبر 1969
معرض الفن الحديث ماري سوزان فيجل ، بازل ، ألكسندر كالدر: الهواتف المحمولة ، الهواتف المحمولة / الستاليات ، البرونز ، الغواش والطباعة الحجرية ، 3 أبريل - 5 يونيو 1971
ويست بالم بيتش، فلوريدا، حدائق آن نورتون للنحت، الماجستير التصويري ل
... اكثر... الأمريكتان ، 4 يناير - 12 فبراير 2023
مؤسسة Maeght ، سان بول دي فينس ، فرنسا ، كالدر ، 2 أبريل - 31 مايو 1969 ، رقم 256 ، ص. 82 في النص ، مريض. 190
متحف لويزيانا للفن الحديث ، هوملبيك ، الدنمارك. ك الدر. 29 يونيو - 7 سبتمبر 1969 ، نشأت من مؤسسة Maeght ، سان بول دي فينس ، فرنسا ، رقم 209 ، ص. 39 في النص
متحف ستيديليك ، أمستردام. ك الدر. 4 أكتوبر - 16 نوفمبر 1969 ، نشأت من مؤسسة Maeght ، سان بول دي فينس ، فرنسا ، رقم 182 ، ص. 40 في النص
 غاليري دي آرت مودرن ماري سوزان فيجل ، بازل ، ألكسندر كالدر: الهواتف المحمولة ، الهواتف المحمولة / الستاليلز ، البرونز ، الغواش والطباعة الحجرية ، 3 أبريل - 5 يونيو 1971 ، رقم 9
... اقل...
اشتهر ألكسندر كالدر بصراحته وحساسيته البراغماتية ، وكان مباشرا وبارعا ومباشرا في الحياة كما كان في فنه. "الشخصيات" ، على سبيل المثال ، ديناميكية بلا خجل ، وهو عمل يتذكر حبه المبكر لعمل السيرك بالإضافة إلى رؤيته للطبيعة البشرية. تشير شخصية "Personnages" إلى رسم عفوي في الفضاء ، مذكرا بمنحوتاته السلكية الراديكالية في 1920s.
© 2023 مؤسسة كالدر ، نيويورك / جمعية حقوق الفنانين (ARS) ، نيويورك