
جنوب شرق آسيا

This well preserved bell is one of the largest known bronzes from the Southeast Asian Bronze Age, generally named after the Dongson site in North Vietnam.  The swirling band design is finely and crisply cast. Dongson bronze drums were also reported in South China, Thailand, Laos, West Malaysia, and Indonesia and as Far East as Western Iranian Java. <br><br>The Dong Son culture is a Bronze age culture including all of southeast Asia and into the Indo-Malaya Archipelago from about 1000 to 1 BC. Centered on the Red River Valley of Vietnam, the Dong Son were sophisticated agriculturalists, raising rice and buffalo. Dong Son probably arose from local Neolithic cultures, such as Phung Nguyen and Dong Dau phases. Dong Son is identified with the Van Lang ruling dynasty, the first ruling dynasty of Vietnam. By the second century BC, impacts from the Han Dynasty in China were being felt and according to historic records, the Dong Son were absorbed into the Han Dynasty territory. This well preserved bell is one of the largest known bronzes from the Southeast Asian Bronze Age, generally named after the Dongson site in North Vietnam.  The swirling band design is finely and crisply cast. Dongson bronze drums were also reported in South China, Thailand, Laos, West Malaysia, and Indonesia and as Far East as Western Iranian Java. <br><br>The Dong Son culture is a Bronze age culture including all of southeast Asia and into the Indo-Malaya Archipelago from about 1000 to 1 BC. Centered on the Red River Valley of Vietnam, the Dong Son were sophisticated agriculturalists, raising rice and buffalo. Dong Son probably arose from local Neolithic cultures, such as Phung Nguyen and Dong Dau phases. Dong Son is identified with the Van Lang ruling dynasty, the first ruling dynasty of Vietnam. By the second century BC, impacts from the Han Dynasty in China were being felt and according to historic records, the Dong Son were absorbed into the Han Dynasty territory. This well preserved bell is one of the largest known bronzes from the Southeast Asian Bronze Age, generally named after the Dongson site in North Vietnam.  The swirling band design is finely and crisply cast. Dongson bronze drums were also reported in South China, Thailand, Laos, West Malaysia, and Indonesia and as Far East as Western Iranian Java. <br><br>The Dong Son culture is a Bronze age culture including all of southeast Asia and into the Indo-Malaya Archipelago from about 1000 to 1 BC. Centered on the Red River Valley of Vietnam, the Dong Son were sophisticated agriculturalists, raising rice and buffalo. Dong Son probably arose from local Neolithic cultures, such as Phung Nguyen and Dong Dau phases. Dong Son is identified with the Van Lang ruling dynasty, the first ruling dynasty of Vietnam. By the second century BC, impacts from the Han Dynasty in China were being felt and according to historic records, the Dong Son were absorbed into the Han Dynasty territory. This well preserved bell is one of the largest known bronzes from the Southeast Asian Bronze Age, generally named after the Dongson site in North Vietnam.  The swirling band design is finely and crisply cast. Dongson bronze drums were also reported in South China, Thailand, Laos, West Malaysia, and Indonesia and as Far East as Western Iranian Java. <br><br>The Dong Son culture is a Bronze age culture including all of southeast Asia and into the Indo-Malaya Archipelago from about 1000 to 1 BC. Centered on the Red River Valley of Vietnam, the Dong Son were sophisticated agriculturalists, raising rice and buffalo. Dong Son probably arose from local Neolithic cultures, such as Phung Nguyen and Dong Dau phases. Dong Son is identified with the Van Lang ruling dynasty, the first ruling dynasty of Vietnam. By the second century BC, impacts from the Han Dynasty in China were being felt and according to historic records, the Dong Son were absorbed into the Han Dynasty territory. This well preserved bell is one of the largest known bronzes from the Southeast Asian Bronze Age, generally named after the Dongson site in North Vietnam.  The swirling band design is finely and crisply cast. Dongson bronze drums were also reported in South China, Thailand, Laos, West Malaysia, and Indonesia and as Far East as Western Iranian Java. <br><br>The Dong Son culture is a Bronze age culture including all of southeast Asia and into the Indo-Malaya Archipelago from about 1000 to 1 BC. Centered on the Red River Valley of Vietnam, the Dong Son were sophisticated agriculturalists, raising rice and buffalo. Dong Son probably arose from local Neolithic cultures, such as Phung Nguyen and Dong Dau phases. Dong Son is identified with the Van Lang ruling dynasty, the first ruling dynasty of Vietnam. By the second century BC, impacts from the Han Dynasty in China were being felt and according to historic records, the Dong Son were absorbed into the Han Dynasty territory. This well preserved bell is one of the largest known bronzes from the Southeast Asian Bronze Age, generally named after the Dongson site in North Vietnam.  The swirling band design is finely and crisply cast. Dongson bronze drums were also reported in South China, Thailand, Laos, West Malaysia, and Indonesia and as Far East as Western Iranian Java. <br><br>The Dong Son culture is a Bronze age culture including all of southeast Asia and into the Indo-Malaya Archipelago from about 1000 to 1 BC. Centered on the Red River Valley of Vietnam, the Dong Son were sophisticated agriculturalists, raising rice and buffalo. Dong Son probably arose from local Neolithic cultures, such as Phung Nguyen and Dong Dau phases. Dong Son is identified with the Van Lang ruling dynasty, the first ruling dynasty of Vietnam. By the second century BC, impacts from the Han Dynasty in China were being felt and according to historic records, the Dong Son were absorbed into the Han Dynasty territory.
الجرس التايلانديثقافة دونغسون (122.1/2 × 12 × 10 بوصة.(57.15 × 30.48 × 25.4 سم) برونز
مجموعه خاصه
هيذر جيمس للفنون الجميلة ، بالم ديزرت
هذا الجرس المحفوظ بشكل جيد هو واحد من أكبر البرونزيات المعروفة من العصر البرونزي في جنوب شرق اسيا ، واسمه عموما بعد موقع دونغسون في شمال فيتنام. تصميم الفرقة يحوم بدقه والمدلي بها هش. كما تم الإبلاغ عن الطبول البرونزية دونغسون في جنوب الصين وتايلاند ولاوس وغرب ماليزيا واندونيسيا والشرق الأقصى كما جاوة الغربية الايرانيه.

ثقافة دونغ سون هي ثقافة العصر البرونزي بما في ذلك كل من جنوب شرق اسيا والي أرخبيل الهند-مالايا من حوالي 1000 إلى 1 قبل الميلاد. وكان دونغ سون ، المتمركز علي وادي النهر الأحمر في فيتنام ، من المزارعين المتطورين ، ورفع الأرز والجاموس. ومن المحتمل ان يكون دونغ سون قد نشا من ثقافات العصر الحجري الحالي المحلية ، مثل مرحلتي فونغ نغوين ودونغ داو. تم التعرف علي دونغ سون مع السلالة الحاكمة فان لانغ ، السلالة الحاكمة الاولي من فيتنام. وبحلول القرن الثاني قبل الميلاد ، كانت الآثار الناجمة عن سلاله هان في الصين محسوسة ، ووفقا للسجلات التاريخية ، تم استيعاب دونغ سون في إقليم أسره هان.