Monet and his works are a specialty for us at Heather James Fine Art, having sold dozens of his paintings over the years. Our consultants are experts in Monet’s oeuvre and market. We look forward to answering any questions you may have about Monet or any other Impressionist masters.
- It is unlikely that Monet’s paintings will ever depreciate. The supply of privately held works dwindles year after year as more works enter permanent museum collections.
- 7 of the top 10 Monet prices were achieved within the past 5 years
- 4 of the top 10 Monet prices were achieved in 2022
- Since 1976, Monet paintings have increased at a 9.9% annual rate of return.
- Of the 1,900 approximate paintings by Monet in existence, there are currently about 800 paintings owned privately worldwide that could ever come up for sale. Over time, many of the 800 privately-held works will inevitably make their way into museum collections, further limiting supply.
- Many of our wealthiest international clients seek blue-chip artworks as investments, particularly Monet paintings, because they are tangible, portable assets.
- Since 1999 Monet’s market has consistently outperformed the S&P 500.
Top Results at Auction

"Meules" (1891) sold for $110,747,000.

"Nymphéas en fleur" (c. 1914-1917) sold for $84,687,500.

"Meule" (1891) sold for $81,447,500.