

A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work.
Sin título (Tótem)c. 196097 x 12 3/8 x 12 3/8 pulg.(246,38 x 31,43 x 31,43 cm) óleo sobre lienzo tensado sobre cilindros de cartón
Familia de Elaine de Kooning
West Palm Beach, Florida, Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens, Descubrir la creatividad: American Art Masters, del 10 de enero al 17 de marzo de 2024

"Para mí, un cuadro es ante todo un verbo, no un sustantivo: un acontecimiento en primer lugar y sólo en segundo lugar una imagen". - Elaine de Kooning


El brillante relato de Mary Gabriel sobre las mujeres que se pusieron detrás y luego se pintaron de pies a cabeza con sus homólogos masculinos tenía que terminar la historia en algún momento. Después de todo, Ninth Street Women tiene 700 páginas. Pero su capítulo final, apropiadamente titulado "Epílogo", resume la siguiente fase de la Escuela de Nueva York y el Expresionismo Abstracto como si hubiera muerto en 1960, cuando los lienzos rigurosamente pintados por Frank Stella con pintura negra para casas pusieron al mundo del arte de cabeza. En verdad, había algo más que un cambio estacional en el aire de Manhattan, pero para tres mujeres -Joan Mitchell, Helen Frankenthaler y Elaine de Kooning- nada podía estar más lejos de la realidad. Gran parte de sus mejores obras llegarían en las décadas siguientes. En cuanto a Elaine, en 1957 había ganado una dura batalla para lograr la autosuficiencia. Se había liberado de Willem, tenía su propio coche y, como para subrayar ese hecho consumado, viajó al oeste, experimentó el color y la extensión del paisaje y probó el drama y el color de la corrida en la Plaza Monumental de Ciudad Juárez, México. Sus pinturas y dibujos se inspiraron en la docena de corridas a las que asistió. Son transmutaciones de esa experiencia; derviches de color y acción que se agitan. El fervor con el que atacaba el lienzo o el soporte de papel cambió para siempre. De repente, estaba ante un artista que estaba a la altura del ideal de Harold Rosenberg cuando llamó al nacimiento de la "pintura de acción... una arena en la que actuar" y afirmó que lo que aparecía en el lienzo "no era un cuadro sino un acontecimiento".

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    Elaine de Kooning pinta sobre una escultura cilíndrica en su estudio de Nueva York, 1961
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    Elaine de Kooning, 1961, Frank W. McDarrah
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    Exposición de la Galería Graham de dieciséis cuadros cilíndricos suspendidos, abril de 1961
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    Elaine en su estudio, 1963
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    "Sin título (Columna)" 1961, óleo sobre lienzo en tubo de moqueta, 107 ¼ x 12 pulgadas, Amarillo Museum of Art
"La inspiración es indispensable para mi trabajo, pero es difícil de conseguir. Está ahí o no está; es un regalo de los dioses". - Elaine de Kooning


  • EdK27843_subasta1
    "Bisonte rojo/Caballo azul" (1985-86), óleo y carboncillo sobre lienzo, 77 ¾ x 108 ¼ pulg. Vendido en Christie's Nueva York: 9 de marzo de 2021 por 562.500 dólares, un nuevo precio récord para el artista en subasta.
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    "Sin título" (c. finales de la década de 1950), óleo sobre masonita, 48 x 60 pulg. Vendido en Doyle Nueva York: 17 de marzo de 2021 por 428.400 dólares, el segundo precio de subasta más alto para el artista.
  • Los dos precios más altos de los cuadros de Elaine de Kooning vendidos en subasta se acaban de fijar en marzo de 2021, lo que indica el valor creciente de las obras de Elaine
  • "Bisonte rojo/Caballo azul", de la década de 1980, estableció un nuevo récord para el artista en la subasta del 9 de marzo de 2021, vendiéndose por 562.500 dólares.
  • Una semana más tarde, un cuadro de la corrida de Elaine de Kooning de finales de los años 50 se vendió por 428.400 dólares, el segundo precio más alto en una subasta del artista.
  • Estamos viendo cómo obras de artistas históricamente infravalorados, como Elaine de Kooning, siguen aumentando su valor.

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