

Pellegrini returns to Classical Mythology to paint an adapted narration of the love story of Cupid and Psyche. Traditionally, Psyche was a young princess who was hailed for her beauty and unfortunately caught the eye of a jealous Venus. Venus entrusted Cupid to punish Psyche by making her fall in love with something hideous. Cupid accidently scratched himself with his amorous dart, by which he immediately fell in love with Psyche. As a result, Cupid disobeyed his mother’s orders to punish Psyche. Ultimately they married, but not before Psyche completed a number of painstaking and nearly impossible tasks at the behest of Venus. <br><br>Pellegrini’s interpretation of this myth is cast over two canvases with different chromatic palettes, oscillating on a spectrum of abstraction and representation. This creates a disorienting temporal effect that creates a sense of mystery surrounding the passage of time between two lovers. Pellegrini returns to Classical Mythology to paint an adapted narration of the love story of Cupid and Psyche. Traditionally, Psyche was a young princess who was hailed for her beauty and unfortunately caught the eye of a jealous Venus. Venus entrusted Cupid to punish Psyche by making her fall in love with something hideous. Cupid accidently scratched himself with his amorous dart, by which he immediately fell in love with Psyche. As a result, Cupid disobeyed his mother’s orders to punish Psyche. Ultimately they married, but not before Psyche completed a number of painstaking and nearly impossible tasks at the behest of Venus. <br><br>Pellegrini’s interpretation of this myth is cast over two canvases with different chromatic palettes, oscillating on a spectrum of abstraction and representation. This creates a disorienting temporal effect that creates a sense of mystery surrounding the passage of time between two lovers. Pellegrini returns to Classical Mythology to paint an adapted narration of the love story of Cupid and Psyche. Traditionally, Psyche was a young princess who was hailed for her beauty and unfortunately caught the eye of a jealous Venus. Venus entrusted Cupid to punish Psyche by making her fall in love with something hideous. Cupid accidently scratched himself with his amorous dart, by which he immediately fell in love with Psyche. As a result, Cupid disobeyed his mother’s orders to punish Psyche. Ultimately they married, but not before Psyche completed a number of painstaking and nearly impossible tasks at the behest of Venus. <br><br>Pellegrini’s interpretation of this myth is cast over two canvases with different chromatic palettes, oscillating on a spectrum of abstraction and representation. This creates a disorienting temporal effect that creates a sense of mystery surrounding the passage of time between two lovers. Pellegrini returns to Classical Mythology to paint an adapted narration of the love story of Cupid and Psyche. Traditionally, Psyche was a young princess who was hailed for her beauty and unfortunately caught the eye of a jealous Venus. Venus entrusted Cupid to punish Psyche by making her fall in love with something hideous. Cupid accidently scratched himself with his amorous dart, by which he immediately fell in love with Psyche. As a result, Cupid disobeyed his mother’s orders to punish Psyche. Ultimately they married, but not before Psyche completed a number of painstaking and nearly impossible tasks at the behest of Venus. <br><br>Pellegrini’s interpretation of this myth is cast over two canvases with different chromatic palettes, oscillating on a spectrum of abstraction and representation. This creates a disorienting temporal effect that creates a sense of mystery surrounding the passage of time between two lovers. Pellegrini returns to Classical Mythology to paint an adapted narration of the love story of Cupid and Psyche. Traditionally, Psyche was a young princess who was hailed for her beauty and unfortunately caught the eye of a jealous Venus. Venus entrusted Cupid to punish Psyche by making her fall in love with something hideous. Cupid accidently scratched himself with his amorous dart, by which he immediately fell in love with Psyche. As a result, Cupid disobeyed his mother’s orders to punish Psyche. Ultimately they married, but not before Psyche completed a number of painstaking and nearly impossible tasks at the behest of Venus. <br><br>Pellegrini’s interpretation of this myth is cast over two canvases with different chromatic palettes, oscillating on a spectrum of abstraction and representation. This creates a disorienting temporal effect that creates a sense of mystery surrounding the passage of time between two lovers. Pellegrini returns to Classical Mythology to paint an adapted narration of the love story of Cupid and Psyche. Traditionally, Psyche was a young princess who was hailed for her beauty and unfortunately caught the eye of a jealous Venus. Venus entrusted Cupid to punish Psyche by making her fall in love with something hideous. Cupid accidently scratched himself with his amorous dart, by which he immediately fell in love with Psyche. As a result, Cupid disobeyed his mother’s orders to punish Psyche. Ultimately they married, but not before Psyche completed a number of painstaking and nearly impossible tasks at the behest of Venus. <br><br>Pellegrini’s interpretation of this myth is cast over two canvases with different chromatic palettes, oscillating on a spectrum of abstraction and representation. This creates a disorienting temporal effect that creates a sense of mystery surrounding the passage of time between two lovers. Pellegrini returns to Classical Mythology to paint an adapted narration of the love story of Cupid and Psyche. Traditionally, Psyche was a young princess who was hailed for her beauty and unfortunately caught the eye of a jealous Venus. Venus entrusted Cupid to punish Psyche by making her fall in love with something hideous. Cupid accidently scratched himself with his amorous dart, by which he immediately fell in love with Psyche. As a result, Cupid disobeyed his mother’s orders to punish Psyche. Ultimately they married, but not before Psyche completed a number of painstaking and nearly impossible tasks at the behest of Venus. <br><br>Pellegrini’s interpretation of this myth is cast over two canvases with different chromatic palettes, oscillating on a spectrum of abstraction and representation. This creates a disorienting temporal effect that creates a sense of mystery surrounding the passage of time between two lovers. Pellegrini returns to Classical Mythology to paint an adapted narration of the love story of Cupid and Psyche. Traditionally, Psyche was a young princess who was hailed for her beauty and unfortunately caught the eye of a jealous Venus. Venus entrusted Cupid to punish Psyche by making her fall in love with something hideous. Cupid accidently scratched himself with his amorous dart, by which he immediately fell in love with Psyche. As a result, Cupid disobeyed his mother’s orders to punish Psyche. Ultimately they married, but not before Psyche completed a number of painstaking and nearly impossible tasks at the behest of Venus. <br><br>Pellegrini’s interpretation of this myth is cast over two canvases with different chromatic palettes, oscillating on a spectrum of abstraction and representation. This creates a disorienting temporal effect that creates a sense of mystery surrounding the passage of time between two lovers. Pellegrini returns to Classical Mythology to paint an adapted narration of the love story of Cupid and Psyche. Traditionally, Psyche was a young princess who was hailed for her beauty and unfortunately caught the eye of a jealous Venus. Venus entrusted Cupid to punish Psyche by making her fall in love with something hideous. Cupid accidently scratched himself with his amorous dart, by which he immediately fell in love with Psyche. As a result, Cupid disobeyed his mother’s orders to punish Psyche. Ultimately they married, but not before Psyche completed a number of painstaking and nearly impossible tasks at the behest of Venus. <br><br>Pellegrini’s interpretation of this myth is cast over two canvases with different chromatic palettes, oscillating on a spectrum of abstraction and representation. This creates a disorienting temporal effect that creates a sense of mystery surrounding the passage of time between two lovers. Pellegrini returns to Classical Mythology to paint an adapted narration of the love story of Cupid and Psyche. Traditionally, Psyche was a young princess who was hailed for her beauty and unfortunately caught the eye of a jealous Venus. Venus entrusted Cupid to punish Psyche by making her fall in love with something hideous. Cupid accidently scratched himself with his amorous dart, by which he immediately fell in love with Psyche. As a result, Cupid disobeyed his mother’s orders to punish Psyche. Ultimately they married, but not before Psyche completed a number of painstaking and nearly impossible tasks at the behest of Venus. <br><br>Pellegrini’s interpretation of this myth is cast over two canvases with different chromatic palettes, oscillating on a spectrum of abstraction and representation. This creates a disorienting temporal effect that creates a sense of mystery surrounding the passage of time between two lovers.
Psiche e Amore1998-200151 1/4 x 127 in.(130,18 x 322,58 cm) huile sur toile


Pellegrini revient à la mythologie classique pour peindre une narration adaptée de l'histoire d'amour de Cupidon et Psyché. Traditionnellement, Psyché était une jeune princesse saluée pour sa beauté et qui a malheureusement attiré l'attention d'une Vénus jalouse. Vénus a confié à Cupidon le soin de punir Psyché en lui faisant tomber amoureuse d'une chose hideuse. Cupidon se gratta accidentellement avec sa fléchette amoureuse, par laquelle il tomba immédiatement amoureux de Psyché. En conséquence, Cupidon désobéit aux ordres de sa mère pour punir Psyché. En fin de compte, ils se sont mariés, mais pas avant que Psyché ait accompli un certain nombre de tâches laborieuses et presque impossibles à la demande de Vénus.

L'interprétation de Pellegrini de ce mythe est répartie sur deux toiles aux palettes chromatiques différentes, oscillant sur un spectre d'abstraction et de représentation. Cela crée un effet temporel désorientant qui crée un sentiment de mystère entourant le passage du temps entre deux amants.