
ロバート・ラウシェンバーグ (1925-2008)

Robert Rauschenberg, along with Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol, and Roy Lichtenstein, started the revolution of Pop Art in the 1960s. Rauschenberg's later career was a time for the artist to work on experimental and innovative projects, including the 1993 "Prime Pump from ROCI USA (Wax Fire Works Series)." This series comes from the artist's philanthropic project, "ROCI USA," demonstrating "Rauschenberg's belief in the power of art as a catalyst for positive social change."  The reference to "wax fire" in the title is Rauschenberg's term for encaustic - hot wax with colored pigments - which he used in other works from the series. <br><br>Executed in a small edition of just 17 examples, this piece incorporates printmaking, a medium to which he often returned to explore new modes for layering imagery. Rauschenberg worked on editions since the early 1960s when he was a fixture at the ULAE and Gemini G.E.L. printshops.  Rauschenberg's printmaking and editioned works were an extension of the creative act for the artist; he could achieve sculptural and 3D effects through his editions. Robert Rauschenberg, along with Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol, and Roy Lichtenstein, started the revolution of Pop Art in the 1960s. Rauschenberg's later career was a time for the artist to work on experimental and innovative projects, including the 1993 "Prime Pump from ROCI USA (Wax Fire Works Series)." This series comes from the artist's philanthropic project, "ROCI USA," demonstrating "Rauschenberg's belief in the power of art as a catalyst for positive social change."  The reference to "wax fire" in the title is Rauschenberg's term for encaustic - hot wax with colored pigments - which he used in other works from the series. <br><br>Executed in a small edition of just 17 examples, this piece incorporates printmaking, a medium to which he often returned to explore new modes for layering imagery. Rauschenberg worked on editions since the early 1960s when he was a fixture at the ULAE and Gemini G.E.L. printshops.  Rauschenberg's printmaking and editioned works were an extension of the creative act for the artist; he could achieve sculptural and 3D effects through his editions. Robert Rauschenberg, along with Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol, and Roy Lichtenstein, started the revolution of Pop Art in the 1960s. Rauschenberg's later career was a time for the artist to work on experimental and innovative projects, including the 1993 "Prime Pump from ROCI USA (Wax Fire Works Series)." This series comes from the artist's philanthropic project, "ROCI USA," demonstrating "Rauschenberg's belief in the power of art as a catalyst for positive social change."  The reference to "wax fire" in the title is Rauschenberg's term for encaustic - hot wax with colored pigments - which he used in other works from the series. <br><br>Executed in a small edition of just 17 examples, this piece incorporates printmaking, a medium to which he often returned to explore new modes for layering imagery. Rauschenberg worked on editions since the early 1960s when he was a fixture at the ULAE and Gemini G.E.L. printshops.  Rauschenberg's printmaking and editioned works were an extension of the creative act for the artist; he could achieve sculptural and 3D effects through his editions. Robert Rauschenberg, along with Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol, and Roy Lichtenstein, started the revolution of Pop Art in the 1960s. Rauschenberg's later career was a time for the artist to work on experimental and innovative projects, including the 1993 "Prime Pump from ROCI USA (Wax Fire Works Series)." This series comes from the artist's philanthropic project, "ROCI USA," demonstrating "Rauschenberg's belief in the power of art as a catalyst for positive social change."  The reference to "wax fire" in the title is Rauschenberg's term for encaustic - hot wax with colored pigments - which he used in other works from the series. <br><br>Executed in a small edition of just 17 examples, this piece incorporates printmaking, a medium to which he often returned to explore new modes for layering imagery. Rauschenberg worked on editions since the early 1960s when he was a fixture at the ULAE and Gemini G.E.L. printshops.  Rauschenberg's printmaking and editioned works were an extension of the creative act for the artist; he could achieve sculptural and 3D effects through his editions. Robert Rauschenberg, along with Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol, and Roy Lichtenstein, started the revolution of Pop Art in the 1960s. Rauschenberg's later career was a time for the artist to work on experimental and innovative projects, including the 1993 "Prime Pump from ROCI USA (Wax Fire Works Series)." This series comes from the artist's philanthropic project, "ROCI USA," demonstrating "Rauschenberg's belief in the power of art as a catalyst for positive social change."  The reference to "wax fire" in the title is Rauschenberg's term for encaustic - hot wax with colored pigments - which he used in other works from the series. <br><br>Executed in a small edition of just 17 examples, this piece incorporates printmaking, a medium to which he often returned to explore new modes for layering imagery. Rauschenberg worked on editions since the early 1960s when he was a fixture at the ULAE and Gemini G.E.L. printshops.  Rauschenberg's printmaking and editioned works were an extension of the creative act for the artist; he could achieve sculptural and 3D effects through his editions. Robert Rauschenberg, along with Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol, and Roy Lichtenstein, started the revolution of Pop Art in the 1960s. Rauschenberg's later career was a time for the artist to work on experimental and innovative projects, including the 1993 "Prime Pump from ROCI USA (Wax Fire Works Series)." This series comes from the artist's philanthropic project, "ROCI USA," demonstrating "Rauschenberg's belief in the power of art as a catalyst for positive social change."  The reference to "wax fire" in the title is Rauschenberg's term for encaustic - hot wax with colored pigments - which he used in other works from the series. <br><br>Executed in a small edition of just 17 examples, this piece incorporates printmaking, a medium to which he often returned to explore new modes for layering imagery. Rauschenberg worked on editions since the early 1960s when he was a fixture at the ULAE and Gemini G.E.L. printshops.  Rauschenberg's printmaking and editioned works were an extension of the creative act for the artist; he could achieve sculptural and 3D effects through his editions. Robert Rauschenberg, along with Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol, and Roy Lichtenstein, started the revolution of Pop Art in the 1960s. Rauschenberg's later career was a time for the artist to work on experimental and innovative projects, including the 1993 "Prime Pump from ROCI USA (Wax Fire Works Series)." This series comes from the artist's philanthropic project, "ROCI USA," demonstrating "Rauschenberg's belief in the power of art as a catalyst for positive social change."  The reference to "wax fire" in the title is Rauschenberg's term for encaustic - hot wax with colored pigments - which he used in other works from the series. <br><br>Executed in a small edition of just 17 examples, this piece incorporates printmaking, a medium to which he often returned to explore new modes for layering imagery. Rauschenberg worked on editions since the early 1960s when he was a fixture at the ULAE and Gemini G.E.L. printshops.  Rauschenberg's printmaking and editioned works were an extension of the creative act for the artist; he could achieve sculptural and 3D effects through his editions.
ROCI USA社製プライムポンプ(ワックスファイヤーワークスシリーズ199363 1/2 X 44 1/4 IN.(161.29 x 112.4 cm)紙とレキサンにカラースクリーン印刷
モダンアート&デザイン オークション ロサンゼルス モダンオークション 2013年5月19日 ロット392
ロバート・ラウシェンバーグは、ジャスパー・ジョーンズ、アンディ・ウォーホル、ロイ・リキテンシュタインらとともに、1960年代にポップ・アートの革命を起こした作家である。ラウシェンバーグのその後のキャリアは、1993年の "Prime Pump from ROCI USA (Wax Fire Works Series) "をはじめ、実験的で革新的なプロジェクトに取り組んだ時期であった。このシリーズは、作家の慈善事業「ROCI USA」から生まれたもので、"社会をポジティブに変える触媒としてのアートの力に対するラウシェンバーグの信念 "を示しています。 タイトルにある「ワックスファイヤー」とは、ラウシェンバーグがこのシリーズの他の作品に用いたエンカウスティック(高温の蝋に着色顔料を加えたもの)のことで、ラウシェンバーグはこの言葉を用いています。

わずか17点の少部数で制作されたこの作品には、イメージを重ねるための新しい方法を探るために、彼がしばしば戻ってくる媒体である版画が取り入れられています。ラウシェンバーグは、ULAEとGemini G.E.L.のプリントショップに常駐していた1960年代初頭からエディション制作に取り組んでいた。 ラウシェンバーグの版画とエディション作品は、アーティストにとって創造的行為の延長線上にあり、エディションを通じて彫刻的、立体的な効果を得ることができた。
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