
إلين ديكونينغ(1918-1989)

A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work.
بدون عنوان (قطب الطوطم)ج. 196097 × 12 3/8 × 12 3/8 في. (246.38 × 31.43 × 31.43 سم) زيت على قماش امتدت على اسطوانات من الورق المقوى
عائلة إلين دي كونينغ
ويست بالم بيتش ، فلوريدا ، حدائق آن نورتون للنحت ، اكتشاف الإبداع: أساتذة الفن الأمريكي ، 10 يناير - 17 مارس 2024

"اللوحة بالنسبة لي هي في المقام الأول فعل، وليس اسم - حدث أولا وثانوية فقط صورة." – إلين دي كونينغ


كان على رواية ماري غابرييل الرائعة للنساء اللواتي وقفن خلفهن ثم رسمن إصبع القدم إلى أ أى قدم مع نظرائهن الذكور إنهاء القصة فى مرحلة ما . بعد كل شيء، نساء الشارع التاسع هو 700 صفحة طويلة. ولكن فصلها الأخير، الذي يحمل عنوان "خاتمة" بشكل مناسب، يلخص المرحلة التالية من مدرسة نيويورك والتعبيرية التجريدية كما لو أنها ماتت في عام 1960 عندما وضعت لوحات فرانك ستيلا المرسومة بدقة في طلاء المنزل الأسود عالم الفن على أذنيه. حقا، كان هناك أكثر من تغيير موسمي في هواء مانهاتن، ولكن بالنسبة لثلاث نساء - جوان ميتشل، هيلين فرانكنتالر، وإلين دي كونينغ - لا شيء يمكن أن يكون أبعد من الحقيقة. وسيأتي الكثير من أفضل أعمالهم في العقود المقبلة. أما بالنسبة لإلين، فبحلول عام 1957 كانت قد كسبت معركة صعبة لتحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي. كانت خالية من ويليم، وكان سيارتها الخاصة، وكما لو أن التأكيد على أن الأمر الواقع، سافرت غربا، شهدت لون وفسحة من المناظر الطبيعية، وتذوق الدراما ولون كوريدا في بلازا Monumental في سيوداد خواريز، المكسيك. استلهمت لوحاتها ورسوماتها من مصارعة الثيران الاثنتي عشرة التي حضرتها. إنها تحولات لتلك التجربة؛ وهي مسألة لا يمكن أن تكون كذلك. دوامات الدراويش من اللون والقلب بقصف العمل. تغيرت الحماسة التي هاجمت بها القماش أو الدعم الورقي إلى الأبد. فجأة ، كان هنا الفنان الذي ترقى إلى المثل الأعلى هارولد روزنبرغ عندما دعا ولادة "العمل اللوحة... الساحة التي للعمل" وذكر أن ما ظهر على قماش "لم يكن صورة ولكن حدثا".

  • EdK27843_history1
    إلين دي كونينغ ترسم على منحوتة أسطوانية في الاستوديو الخاص بها في نيويورك، 1961
  • EdK27843_history2
    إلين دي كونينغ، 1961، فرانك و. ماكدارا
  • EdK27843_history3
    معرض معرض غراهام لستة عشر لوحة اسطوانية معلقة، أبريل 1961
  • EdK27843_history4
    إلين في الاستوديو الخاص بها، 1963
  • EdK27843_history5
    "بدون عنوان (عمود)" 1961، زيت على قماش على أنبوب السجاد، 107 1/4 × 12 بوصة، متحف أماريلو للفنون
"الإلهام أمر لا غنى عنه لعملي، ولكن من الصعب العودة إليه. هو هناك أو هو لا; انها هدية من الآلهة." – إلين دي كونينج

رؤى السوق

  • EdK27843_auction1
    "البيسون الأحمر/ الحصان الأزرق" (1985-1986)، النفط والفحم على قماش، 77 3/4 × 108 1/4 بوصة. بيعت في كريستيز نيويورك: 9 مارس 2021 بمبلغ 562,500 دولار أمريكي، وهو سعر قياسي جديد للفنان في مزاد علني.
  • EdK27843_auction2
    "بدون عنوان" (ج. أواخر 1950s)، والنفط على Masonite، 48 × 60 في. بيعت في دويل نيويورك: 17 مارس 2021 بمبلغ 428,400 دولار أمريكي، وهو ثاني أعلى سعر مزاد للفنان.
  • تم تحديد أعلى سعرين للوحات إلين دي كونينغ التي تباع في مزاد علني في مارس 2021 ، مما يشير إلى ارتفاع قيمة أعمال إلين
  • "ريد بيسون/ بلو هورس" من الثمانينيات، سجل رقما قياسيا جديدا للفنان في مزاد علني في 9 مارس 2021، حيث بيع بمبلغ 562,500 دولار أمريكي.
  • وبعد أسبوع واحد، بيعت لوحة إلين دي كونينغ لمصارعة الثيران من أواخر الخمسينيات بمبلغ 428,400 دولار أمريكي، وهو ثاني أعلى سعر مزاد للفنان.
  • نحن نرى أعمالا فنية لفنانين لا يقدرون حق قدرها تاريخيا مثل إلين دي كونينغ تستمر في الزيادة في القيمة.

المشاهدة الظاهرية


الاستعلام - الفن واحد