杰克逊霍尔画廊 - 艺术目录

IRVING NORMAN - How Come - 布面油画 - 90 x 60 英寸。


FERNANDO BOTERO - Autoretrato a la manera de Velázquez - 纸板上的颜料和蜡笔 - 51 3/4 x 38 1/2 英寸。


Irving Norman was born in 1906 in Vilna, then part of the Russian Empire, now Lithuania. Norman's immigration to New York City in 1923 was short-lived, as he would return to Europe to fight as part of the Abraham Lincoln battalion against the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco. After the War, Norman would eventually settle in Half Moon Bay, California, where he embarked on a prolific studio practice.  <br><br>Norman's work portrays the horrors of war and his firsthand knowledge of totalitarian dictatorships. Norman's work has been described as "Social Surrealism," and his grand scenes are immediate and arresting. The large-scale works of Norman truly capture the power of his lived experiences; they are as much a visual record as they are a warning for the future, intended to inspire change.


<div><font face=Calibri size=3 color=black>Harry Bertoia’s “Sonambient” sculptures are a mesmerizing blend of art, sound, and science, and this 36-tine piece is a quintessential example of his innovative genius. Meticulously crafted with 36 rods aligned in a precise six-by-six configuration on a square base, this 77-inch-tall work embodies the harmonious intersection of visual beauty and auditory wonder.</font></div><br><br><div> </div><br><br><div><font face=Calibri size=3 color=black>Made from beryllium copper, a material favored by Bertoia for its superior acoustic properties and aesthetic appeal, the rods have developed a rich walnut-like patina over time. This patina adds to the sculpture’s visual allure, enhancing its historical and artistic value, and reflects a natural aging process that the artist himself, a naturalist, would have admired. When activated by touch or the movement of air, the rods produce a perceptible, fixed note accompanied by a range of ethereal tones, transforming the sculpture from a static object into a dynamic, multisensory experience. The long, swaying motion of the tall rods, reminiscent of the undulating desert grasses that inspired the artist initially, adds a captivating visual dimension. The cattail-like finials further evoke natural forms, underscoring Bertoia’s inspiration derived from the natural world.</font></div><br><br><div> </div><br><br><div><font face=Calibri size=3 color=black>Bertoia’s 36-tine “Sonambient” sculpture is more than a visual masterpiece; it profoundly explores sound, material, and participatory interaction. It exemplifies Bertoia’s belief in art as an immersive and evolving experience, where each encounter offers discoveries and sensations. Through this work, Bertoia has created a timeless piece that continues to captivate and inspire, highlighting his artistic vision's enduring power and deep connection to nature’s spiritual qualities.</font></div>


IRVING NORMAN - Snapshots - 布面油画 - 40 x 90 英寸。


Irving Norman was born in 1906 in Vilna, then part of the Russian Empire, now Lithuania. Norman's immigration to New York City in 1923 was short-lived, as he would return to Europe to fight as part of the Abraham Lincoln battalion against the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco. After the War, Norman would eventually settle in Half Moon Bay, California, where he embarked on a prolific studio practice.  <br><br>Norman's work portrays the horrors of war and his firsthand knowledge of totalitarian dictatorships. Norman's work has been described as "Social Surrealism," and his grand scenes are immediate and arresting. The large-scale works of Norman truly capture the power of his lived experiences; they are as much a visual record as they are a warning for the future, intended to inspire change.


内森-奥利维拉经常与加利福尼亚湾区的具象画家联系在一起,但实际上,他的作品透露出他对威廉-德库宁、阿尔贝托-贾科梅蒂和弗朗西斯-培根的兴趣。这些影响是《从地毯上走下来的裸体》的显著特点。这幅画是奥利维拉 30 岁出头时画的,正是这种画奠定了他早期的声誉,他以即兴的风格描绘了令人魂牵梦萦的孤立人物。奥利维拉晚期的作品反映了德库宁关于绘画视觉记忆的挑战和创造具有微弱存在感的人物形象的有影响力的评论,然而,强烈的地平线为这幅风景画奠定了基础,使人物形象比往常更有肉体存在感。


内森-奥利维拉(Nathan Oliveira)的孤独人物画传达出一种存在的不安感,让人联想到贾科梅蒂(Giacometti)的风格,但它们也具有一种空灵的特质和超凡脱俗的存在感。这些人物体现了自我超越意识的永恒、普遍的表达方式,更符合形而上学的无形层面。蓝眼睛人物》具有一种令人魂牵梦萦的特质。如果我们假设从下巴向下垂直划过的白色笔触是对十八世纪领巾的一种绘画隐喻,那么这幅作品就仿佛伸向了过去,与奥利维拉对戈雅遗产的深深敬意和参与产生了共鸣。蓝眼睛人物》可以说是对戈雅的直接致敬。奥利维拉以戈雅 1818 年的蚀刻版画《La Tauromaquia 21》为基础创作了他的第一批连环画,并参加了许多讨论戈雅作品的影响和意义的活动。


IRVING NORMAN - 人与时间 - 布面油画 - 58 x 30 英寸。


纳坦奥利维拉 - 无标题 - 画布上的油画 - 84 X 63 in.


NATHAN OLIVEIRA - 第5号石碑 - 布面油画 - 66 x 54 1/8 英寸。


格雷戈里苏米达 - 布鲁克的弯曲 - 水彩 - 10 1/2 x 14 1/2 in
