
エレイン・デ・クーニング (1918-1989)

A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work. A major figure in both the Abstract Expressionist and American Figurative Expressionist movements of the 1940s and 1950s, Elaine de Kooning's prolific output defied singular categorization. Her versatile styles explored the spectrum of realism to abstraction, resulting in a career characterized by intense expression and artistic boundary-pushing. A striking example of de Kooning's explosive creativity is Untitled (Totem Pole), an extremely rare sculptural painting by the artist that showcases her command of color. <br><br>She created this piece around 1960, the same period as her well-known bullfight paintings. She left New York in 1957 to begin teaching at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and from there would visit Ciudad Juárez, where she observed the bullfights that inspired her work. An avid traveler, de Kooning drew inspiration from various sources, resulting in a diverse and experimental body of work.
無題(トーテムポールc.196097 x 12 3/8 x 12 3/8 in.センチ油絵
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"私にとっての絵画とは、名詞ではなく主に動詞であり、第一に出来事であり、第二にイメージである」。- エレイン・デ・クーニング


メアリー・ガブリエルは、男性の後ろに立ち、男性とつま先を合わせて絵を描いた女性たちを見事に描いていますが、どこかで物語を終わらせなければなりませんでした。何しろ『Ninth Street Women』は700ページもあるのだから。しかし、「エピローグ」という適切なタイトルが付けられたその最終章では、ニューヨーク派と抽象表現主義の次の段階が、フランク・ステラが黒のハウスペイントで厳格に描いたキャンバスが美術界の耳目を集めた1960年に死んだかのようにまとめられています。しかし、ジョーン・ミッチェル、ヘレン・フランケンターラー、エレイン・デ・クーニングという3人の女性にとっては、それ以上のことはありませんでした。彼女たちの最高傑作の多くは、これから数十年後に生まれることになる。エレーヌの場合、1957年には、自給自足のための苦しい戦いに勝利していた。ウィレムから解放され、自分の車を手に入れた彼女は、その既成事実を強調するかのように、西部を旅し、風景の色と広がりを体験し、メキシコのシウダー・フアレスにあるモニュメンタル広場のコリーダのドラマと色を味わったのである。彼女のペインティングとドローイングは、彼女が参加した12回の闘牛からインスピレーションを得たものです。彼女の絵画は、彼女が参加した12回の闘牛からインスピレーションを得ており、その経験を形にしたものです。色の渦と心臓の鼓動を伴うアクションです。彼女がキャンバスや紙の支持体を攻撃するときの熱気は、永遠に変わりました。突然、ハロルド・ローゼンバーグが「アクション・ペインティング...行動するためのアリーナ」の誕生を呼び、キャンバスに現れるものは「絵ではなく、出来事である」と述べた理想に忠実なアーティストが現れたのだ。

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    "Untitled (Column)" 1961年 カーペットチューブにキャンバス、油彩、107 ¼ x 12インチ アマリロ美術館蔵
"インスピレーションは私の仕事に欠かせないものですが、それを得るのは難しい。それはあるかないか、神々の贈り物なのです」。- エレーヌ・デ・クーニング


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    "Red Bison/Blue Horse" (1985-86), キャンバスに油彩と木炭, 77 ¾ x 108 ¼ in. クリスティーズ・ニューヨークで2021年3月9日に562,500米ドルで落札され、オークションでのアーティストの新記録となりました。
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    "Untitled" (c. late 1950s), メイソンイトに油彩, 48 x 60 in.Doyle New York:2021年3月17日に428,400米ドルで落札され、このアーティストのオークションで2番目に高い価格となりました。
  • エレーン・デ・クーニングの絵画がオークションに出品された際の最高値は、2021年3月につけられたばかりで、エレーン・デ・クーニングの作品の価値が高まっていることを示しています。
  • 1980年代に制作された "Red Bison/Blue Horse "は、2021年3月9日のオークションで562,500米ドルで落札され、作家の新記録を樹立しました。
  • その1週間後には、1950年代後半に描かれたエレイン・デ・クーニングの闘牛の絵が42万8,400米ドルで落札され、このアーティストのオークションでの2番目の高値となりました。
  • エレーン・デ・クーニングのような、歴史的に過小評価されてきた芸術家の作品が価値を上げ続けているのです。


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