أدولف غوتليب أنبس(1903-1974)

Gottlieb was a first-generation member of the Abstract Expressionists. “Blue on Black” is from his trademark “Burst” series. Like fellow Ab Ex artists including Pollock who settled into their signature style late in their careers, it was not until 1956 that Gottlieb focused on these burst paintings.<br><br>This painting showcases the lyricism that he found within the “Burst” paintings by simplifying color and form. In this painting, the shapes and color coalesce to produce harmony and depth within the visual landscape of the canvas.<br><br>Gottlieb had an amazing 56 solo exhibitions during his long career and his works are included in over 140 museums throughout the world. Gottlieb was a first-generation member of the Abstract Expressionists. “Blue on Black” is from his trademark “Burst” series. Like fellow Ab Ex artists including Pollock who settled into their signature style late in their careers, it was not until 1956 that Gottlieb focused on these burst paintings.<br><br>This painting showcases the lyricism that he found within the “Burst” paintings by simplifying color and form. In this painting, the shapes and color coalesce to produce harmony and depth within the visual landscape of the canvas.<br><br>Gottlieb had an amazing 56 solo exhibitions during his long career and his works are included in over 140 museums throughout the world. Gottlieb was a first-generation member of the Abstract Expressionists. “Blue on Black” is from his trademark “Burst” series. Like fellow Ab Ex artists including Pollock who settled into their signature style late in their careers, it was not until 1956 that Gottlieb focused on these burst paintings.<br><br>This painting showcases the lyricism that he found within the “Burst” paintings by simplifying color and form. In this painting, the shapes and color coalesce to produce harmony and depth within the visual landscape of the canvas.<br><br>Gottlieb had an amazing 56 solo exhibitions during his long career and his works are included in over 140 museums throughout the world. Gottlieb was a first-generation member of the Abstract Expressionists. “Blue on Black” is from his trademark “Burst” series. Like fellow Ab Ex artists including Pollock who settled into their signature style late in their careers, it was not until 1956 that Gottlieb focused on these burst paintings.<br><br>This painting showcases the lyricism that he found within the “Burst” paintings by simplifying color and form. In this painting, the shapes and color coalesce to produce harmony and depth within the visual landscape of the canvas.<br><br>Gottlieb had an amazing 56 solo exhibitions during his long career and his works are included in over 140 museums throughout the world. Gottlieb was a first-generation member of the Abstract Expressionists. “Blue on Black” is from his trademark “Burst” series. Like fellow Ab Ex artists including Pollock who settled into their signature style late in their careers, it was not until 1956 that Gottlieb focused on these burst paintings.<br><br>This painting showcases the lyricism that he found within the “Burst” paintings by simplifying color and form. In this painting, the shapes and color coalesce to produce harmony and depth within the visual landscape of the canvas.<br><br>Gottlieb had an amazing 56 solo exhibitions during his long career and his works are included in over 140 museums throughout the world. Gottlieb was a first-generation member of the Abstract Expressionists. “Blue on Black” is from his trademark “Burst” series. Like fellow Ab Ex artists including Pollock who settled into their signature style late in their careers, it was not until 1956 that Gottlieb focused on these burst paintings.<br><br>This painting showcases the lyricism that he found within the “Burst” paintings by simplifying color and form. In this painting, the shapes and color coalesce to produce harmony and depth within the visual landscape of the canvas.<br><br>Gottlieb had an amazing 56 solo exhibitions during his long career and his works are included in over 140 museums throughout the world. Gottlieb was a first-generation member of the Abstract Expressionists. “Blue on Black” is from his trademark “Burst” series. Like fellow Ab Ex artists including Pollock who settled into their signature style late in their careers, it was not until 1956 that Gottlieb focused on these burst paintings.<br><br>This painting showcases the lyricism that he found within the “Burst” paintings by simplifying color and form. In this painting, the shapes and color coalesce to produce harmony and depth within the visual landscape of the canvas.<br><br>Gottlieb had an amazing 56 solo exhibitions during his long career and his works are included in over 140 museums throughout the world. Gottlieb was a first-generation member of the Abstract Expressionists. “Blue on Black” is from his trademark “Burst” series. Like fellow Ab Ex artists including Pollock who settled into their signature style late in their careers, it was not until 1956 that Gottlieb focused on these burst paintings.<br><br>This painting showcases the lyricism that he found within the “Burst” paintings by simplifying color and form. In this painting, the shapes and color coalesce to produce harmony and depth within the visual landscape of the canvas.<br><br>Gottlieb had an amazing 56 solo exhibitions during his long career and his works are included in over 140 museums throughout the world. Gottlieb was a first-generation member of the Abstract Expressionists. “Blue on Black” is from his trademark “Burst” series. Like fellow Ab Ex artists including Pollock who settled into their signature style late in their careers, it was not until 1956 that Gottlieb focused on these burst paintings.<br><br>This painting showcases the lyricism that he found within the “Burst” paintings by simplifying color and form. In this painting, the shapes and color coalesce to produce harmony and depth within the visual landscape of the canvas.<br><br>Gottlieb had an amazing 56 solo exhibitions during his long career and his works are included in over 140 museums throughout the world. Gottlieb was a first-generation member of the Abstract Expressionists. “Blue on Black” is from his trademark “Burst” series. Like fellow Ab Ex artists including Pollock who settled into their signature style late in their careers, it was not until 1956 that Gottlieb focused on these burst paintings.<br><br>This painting showcases the lyricism that he found within the “Burst” paintings by simplifying color and form. In this painting, the shapes and color coalesce to produce harmony and depth within the visual landscape of the canvas.<br><br>Gottlieb had an amazing 56 solo exhibitions during his long career and his works are included in over 140 museums throughout the world.
الأزرق على الأسود197024 x 18 7/8 في. (60.96 × 47.94 سم) الاكريليك على الورق وضعت على قماش
تركة الفنان
مؤسسة أدولف وإيستر غوتليب، نيويورك
مجموعة خاصة، ستوكهولم
بوكوفسكيس، ستوكهولم، 5 مايو 2010، لوت 674
مجموعة خاصة
بوكوفسكيس، ستوكهولم، 16 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2011، القطعة 405
مجموعة خاصة، السويد
سوذبيز، نيويورك، 14 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2013، القطعة 121 (مرسلة من قبل ما سبق)
المجموعة الخاصة، التي تم الحصول عليها من البيع أعلاه
سوذبيز، نيويورك، منسق معاصر، 1 مارس 2019، الكثير 00015
مجموعة خاصة، تكساس
نيويورك، معرض مارلبورو، أدولف... اكثر... غوتليب: أعمال على الورق 1970، فبراير - مارس 1971
رينو، متحف سييرا نيفادا للفنون، مدرسة نيويورك 1940 - 1960، فبراير - مارس 1979
كولونيا، غاليري وينتزل، أدولف غوتليب: بيلدر، غواشن، مونوتيبين، سكولبترن، مارس - يونيو 1984، موضحة على غلاف الكتالوج
... اقل...
كان غوتليب عضواً من الجيل الأول من التعبيريين التجريديين. "الأزرق على الأسود" هو من علامته التجارية "انفجار" سلسلة. مثل زملائه أب السابقين الفنانين بما في ذلك بولوك الذين استقروا في أسلوبهم التوقيع في وقت متأخر من حياتهم المهنية، لم يكن حتى عام 1956 أن غوتليب ركزت على هذه اللوحات انفجار.

تعرض هذه اللوحة الغنائية التي وجدها داخل لوحات "الاندفاع" من خلال تبسيط اللون والشكل. في هذه اللوحة ، وتتجمع الأشكال واللون لإنتاج الانسجام والعمق داخل المشهد البصري للقماش.

كان غوتليب معرضًا فرديًا مذهلًا 56 خلال مسيرته الطويلة ويتم تضمين أعماله في أكثر من 140 متحفًا في جميع أنحاء العالم.