
ماكس بيليغريني (ب. 1945)

Puccetto was a small yellow canary that sang from his cage in Pellegrini’s studio for twelve years. To him, tiny and frail, Pellegrini dedicated the large painting to emphasize the importance he had in his life. <br><br>– In conversation with Max Pellegrini, November 201 Puccetto was a small yellow canary that sang from his cage in Pellegrini’s studio for twelve years. To him, tiny and frail, Pellegrini dedicated the large painting to emphasize the importance he had in his life. <br><br>– In conversation with Max Pellegrini, November 201 Puccetto was a small yellow canary that sang from his cage in Pellegrini’s studio for twelve years. To him, tiny and frail, Pellegrini dedicated the large painting to emphasize the importance he had in his life. <br><br>– In conversation with Max Pellegrini, November 201
Quadro teologico في onore di Puccetto, Canarino Morto da Tempo1998-200862 3/4 x 78 3/4 في. (159.39 × 200.03 سم) زيت على قماش


وكان بوتشيتو الكناري الأصفر الصغيرة التي غنت من قفصه في استوديو Pellegrini لمده اثني عشر عاما. له ، صغيره وواهية ، كرس Pellegrini اللوحة الكبيرة للتاكيد علي الاهميه التي كان لديه في حياته.

– في محادثه مع ماكس Pellegrini, 201 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر