

Pablo Picasso paints a portrait of his sitter Giorgio De Chirico in a room filled with classical antiquities, neoclassical sculptures and impressionist paintings. The artist dreams of his own glory, which is symbolized by the masterpieces in the room – the statue of Victory by Michelangelo, an Impressionist artwork leaning in a corner, and the painting behind the sitter that symbolizes human knowledge. Yet, this is all meant ironically. De Chirico only sits in for Pellegrini himself, who mocks his own fears and phobias, by sitting in a room in which every person and artwork in the painting have already achieved their glory. <br><br>“Yes, irony is one of the elements of my painting. I make fun of myself and my neurotic fears and phobias and I turn the situation with ironic if not at times hilarious details. I placed a cat, for example, with phosphorescent eyes in a bucolic scene, or in the subject of Carnival I mix death, ridicule and joking.” (Antonio Monda, “Interview with Max Pellegrini,” in Max Pellegrini, ed. Danilo Eccher, 2014 Pablo Picasso paints a portrait of his sitter Giorgio De Chirico in a room filled with classical antiquities, neoclassical sculptures and impressionist paintings. The artist dreams of his own glory, which is symbolized by the masterpieces in the room – the statue of Victory by Michelangelo, an Impressionist artwork leaning in a corner, and the painting behind the sitter that symbolizes human knowledge. Yet, this is all meant ironically. De Chirico only sits in for Pellegrini himself, who mocks his own fears and phobias, by sitting in a room in which every person and artwork in the painting have already achieved their glory. <br><br>“Yes, irony is one of the elements of my painting. I make fun of myself and my neurotic fears and phobias and I turn the situation with ironic if not at times hilarious details. I placed a cat, for example, with phosphorescent eyes in a bucolic scene, or in the subject of Carnival I mix death, ridicule and joking.” (Antonio Monda, “Interview with Max Pellegrini,” in Max Pellegrini, ed. Danilo Eccher, 2014 Pablo Picasso paints a portrait of his sitter Giorgio De Chirico in a room filled with classical antiquities, neoclassical sculptures and impressionist paintings. The artist dreams of his own glory, which is symbolized by the masterpieces in the room – the statue of Victory by Michelangelo, an Impressionist artwork leaning in a corner, and the painting behind the sitter that symbolizes human knowledge. Yet, this is all meant ironically. De Chirico only sits in for Pellegrini himself, who mocks his own fears and phobias, by sitting in a room in which every person and artwork in the painting have already achieved their glory. <br><br>“Yes, irony is one of the elements of my painting. I make fun of myself and my neurotic fears and phobias and I turn the situation with ironic if not at times hilarious details. I placed a cat, for example, with phosphorescent eyes in a bucolic scene, or in the subject of Carnival I mix death, ridicule and joking.” (Antonio Monda, “Interview with Max Pellegrini,” in Max Pellegrini, ed. Danilo Eccher, 2014
Sogni di Gloria198270 3/4 x 70 3/4 in.(179,71 x 179,71 cm) huile sur toile


Pablo Picasso peint un portrait de son modèle Giorgio De Chirico dans une salle remplie d'antiquités classiques, de sculptures néoclassiques et de peintures impressionnistes. L'artiste rêve de sa propre gloire, qui est symbolisée par les chefs-d'œuvre de la salle - la statue de la Victoire de Michel-Ange, une œuvre impressionniste penchée dans un coin, et le tableau derrière le siège qui symbolise la connaissance humaine. Pourtant, tout cela est ironique. De Chirico ne fait que remplacer Pellegrini lui-même, qui se moque de ses propres peurs et phobies, en s'asseyant dans une pièce où chaque personne et chaque œuvre du tableau ont déjà atteint leur gloire.

"Oui, l'ironie est un des éléments de ma peinture. Je me moque de moi-même et de mes peurs et phobies névrotiques et je transforme la situation en détails ironiques, voire parfois hilarants. J'ai placé un chat, par exemple, avec des yeux phosphorescents dans une scène bucolique, ou dans le sujet du Carnaval je mélange la mort, le ridicule et la plaisanterie." (Antonio Monda, "Interview with Max Pellegrini", dans Max Pellegrini, ed. Danilo Eccher, 2014