

The Queen of the Night drinks water from the clasped hands of faith, while two shepherds embrace each other, unaware of Jesus’ birth. Angels, portrayed almost translucently on the canvas, spray holy water and bring about the giving of gifts. A precious jewel is depicted in the right corner, while a humble basket of turkeys sits on the cape of the Madonna. Nearby rests a basket with a goldfinch, an ancient symbol, which is a harbinger of good luck for newborn babies. The baby Jesus, just as the clasped hands that the Queen drinks out of, represents faith – the angels have sprinkled with holy water and he will soon make himself known to the world.<br><br>“For me the faith in religion becomes faith in painting and will defeat the giants." – Max Pellegrini, July 2015, in conversation with Curator Chip Tom The Queen of the Night drinks water from the clasped hands of faith, while two shepherds embrace each other, unaware of Jesus’ birth. Angels, portrayed almost translucently on the canvas, spray holy water and bring about the giving of gifts. A precious jewel is depicted in the right corner, while a humble basket of turkeys sits on the cape of the Madonna. Nearby rests a basket with a goldfinch, an ancient symbol, which is a harbinger of good luck for newborn babies. The baby Jesus, just as the clasped hands that the Queen drinks out of, represents faith – the angels have sprinkled with holy water and he will soon make himself known to the world.<br><br>“For me the faith in religion becomes faith in painting and will defeat the giants." – Max Pellegrini, July 2015, in conversation with Curator Chip Tom The Queen of the Night drinks water from the clasped hands of faith, while two shepherds embrace each other, unaware of Jesus’ birth. Angels, portrayed almost translucently on the canvas, spray holy water and bring about the giving of gifts. A precious jewel is depicted in the right corner, while a humble basket of turkeys sits on the cape of the Madonna. Nearby rests a basket with a goldfinch, an ancient symbol, which is a harbinger of good luck for newborn babies. The baby Jesus, just as the clasped hands that the Queen drinks out of, represents faith – the angels have sprinkled with holy water and he will soon make himself known to the world.<br><br>“For me the faith in religion becomes faith in painting and will defeat the giants." – Max Pellegrini, July 2015, in conversation with Curator Chip Tom The Queen of the Night drinks water from the clasped hands of faith, while two shepherds embrace each other, unaware of Jesus’ birth. Angels, portrayed almost translucently on the canvas, spray holy water and bring about the giving of gifts. A precious jewel is depicted in the right corner, while a humble basket of turkeys sits on the cape of the Madonna. Nearby rests a basket with a goldfinch, an ancient symbol, which is a harbinger of good luck for newborn babies. The baby Jesus, just as the clasped hands that the Queen drinks out of, represents faith – the angels have sprinkled with holy water and he will soon make himself known to the world.<br><br>“For me the faith in religion becomes faith in painting and will defeat the giants." – Max Pellegrini, July 2015, in conversation with Curator Chip Tom The Queen of the Night drinks water from the clasped hands of faith, while two shepherds embrace each other, unaware of Jesus’ birth. Angels, portrayed almost translucently on the canvas, spray holy water and bring about the giving of gifts. A precious jewel is depicted in the right corner, while a humble basket of turkeys sits on the cape of the Madonna. Nearby rests a basket with a goldfinch, an ancient symbol, which is a harbinger of good luck for newborn babies. The baby Jesus, just as the clasped hands that the Queen drinks out of, represents faith – the angels have sprinkled with holy water and he will soon make himself known to the world.<br><br>“For me the faith in religion becomes faith in painting and will defeat the giants." – Max Pellegrini, July 2015, in conversation with Curator Chip Tom The Queen of the Night drinks water from the clasped hands of faith, while two shepherds embrace each other, unaware of Jesus’ birth. Angels, portrayed almost translucently on the canvas, spray holy water and bring about the giving of gifts. A precious jewel is depicted in the right corner, while a humble basket of turkeys sits on the cape of the Madonna. Nearby rests a basket with a goldfinch, an ancient symbol, which is a harbinger of good luck for newborn babies. The baby Jesus, just as the clasped hands that the Queen drinks out of, represents faith – the angels have sprinkled with holy water and he will soon make himself known to the world.<br><br>“For me the faith in religion becomes faith in painting and will defeat the giants." – Max Pellegrini, July 2015, in conversation with Curator Chip Tom The Queen of the Night drinks water from the clasped hands of faith, while two shepherds embrace each other, unaware of Jesus’ birth. Angels, portrayed almost translucently on the canvas, spray holy water and bring about the giving of gifts. A precious jewel is depicted in the right corner, while a humble basket of turkeys sits on the cape of the Madonna. Nearby rests a basket with a goldfinch, an ancient symbol, which is a harbinger of good luck for newborn babies. The baby Jesus, just as the clasped hands that the Queen drinks out of, represents faith – the angels have sprinkled with holy water and he will soon make himself known to the world.<br><br>“For me the faith in religion becomes faith in painting and will defeat the giants." – Max Pellegrini, July 2015, in conversation with Curator Chip Tom The Queen of the Night drinks water from the clasped hands of faith, while two shepherds embrace each other, unaware of Jesus’ birth. Angels, portrayed almost translucently on the canvas, spray holy water and bring about the giving of gifts. A precious jewel is depicted in the right corner, while a humble basket of turkeys sits on the cape of the Madonna. Nearby rests a basket with a goldfinch, an ancient symbol, which is a harbinger of good luck for newborn babies. The baby Jesus, just as the clasped hands that the Queen drinks out of, represents faith – the angels have sprinkled with holy water and he will soon make himself known to the world.<br><br>“For me the faith in religion becomes faith in painting and will defeat the giants." – Max Pellegrini, July 2015, in conversation with Curator Chip Tom The Queen of the Night drinks water from the clasped hands of faith, while two shepherds embrace each other, unaware of Jesus’ birth. Angels, portrayed almost translucently on the canvas, spray holy water and bring about the giving of gifts. A precious jewel is depicted in the right corner, while a humble basket of turkeys sits on the cape of the Madonna. Nearby rests a basket with a goldfinch, an ancient symbol, which is a harbinger of good luck for newborn babies. The baby Jesus, just as the clasped hands that the Queen drinks out of, represents faith – the angels have sprinkled with holy water and he will soon make himself known to the world.<br><br>“For me the faith in religion becomes faith in painting and will defeat the giants." – Max Pellegrini, July 2015, in conversation with Curator Chip Tom The Queen of the Night drinks water from the clasped hands of faith, while two shepherds embrace each other, unaware of Jesus’ birth. Angels, portrayed almost translucently on the canvas, spray holy water and bring about the giving of gifts. A precious jewel is depicted in the right corner, while a humble basket of turkeys sits on the cape of the Madonna. Nearby rests a basket with a goldfinch, an ancient symbol, which is a harbinger of good luck for newborn babies. The baby Jesus, just as the clasped hands that the Queen drinks out of, represents faith – the angels have sprinkled with holy water and he will soon make himself known to the world.<br><br>“For me the faith in religion becomes faith in painting and will defeat the giants." – Max Pellegrini, July 2015, in conversation with Curator Chip Tom
La Regina della Notte e della Luna2004-200563 1/4 x 79 in.(160,66 x 200,66 cm) Öl auf Leinwand


Die Königin der Nacht trinkt Wasser aus den umklammerten Händen des Glaubens, während sich zwei Hirten umarmen, ohne von Jesu Geburt zu wissen. Engel, die fast durchsichtig auf der Leinwand dargestellt sind, sprühen Weihwasser und bringen Geschenke hervor. In der rechten Ecke ist ein kostbares Juwel abgebildet, während auf dem Kap der Madonna ein bescheidener Korb mit Truthähnen steht. In der Nähe befindet sich ein Korb mit einem Goldfink, einem alten Symbol, das ein Vorbote des Glücks für Neugeborene ist. Das Jesuskind, so wie die umklammerten Hände, aus denen die Königin trinkt, den Glauben darstellen - die Engel haben mit Weihwasser gesprenkelt und er wird sich bald der Welt bekannt machen:

"Für mich wird der Glaube an die Religion zum Glauben an die Malerei und wird die Riesen besiegen". - Max Pellegrini, Juli 2015, im Gespräch mit Kurator Chip Tom
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